Dark Light


The classic cleaning of the EGR valve means that your engineer should dismantle it. Such a process takes time and has the risk of causing potential damage or material failure (eg screw breakage). With the Bardahl cleaning kit, the EGR valve is NOT dismantled. Follow the specific BARDAHL eco-chemical process. This avoids the risk of damage and time-consuming process.


HY 13113 HY 13114 HY 13115 HY 13116 HY 13117 HY 13118 HY 13119 HY 13120 HY 13121 HY 13122 HY 13123 HY 13124 HY 13125 HY 13126 HY 13126-VITON HY 13127 HY 13127-V HY 13128 HY 13128-V HY 13129