Dark Light


It lowers the combustion temperature to destroy the soot: the oil particles are normally burned at temperatures above 600 ° C. But once it reaches the filter, the temperatures are below 300-350 ° C, which leads to the accumulation of spent sediments on the filter. Because of its active ingredient, this product reduces the temperature at which the particles will burn out, thus removing the contaminants that contaminate the filter.

  • Stops filter blocking due to soot accumulation.
  • Prevents damage to specific components that allow the burning of pests
  • Prevents increased fuel consumption, loss of horsepower and costly replacement of parts caused by filter clogging. and the accumulation of exhaust gases in the engine.
  • It burns and destroys the soot accumulated inside the filter.
  • Extends the service life and good operation of the particulate filter.

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HY 13095 HY 13096 HY 13097 HY 13098 HY 13099 HY 13100 HY 13101 HY 13102 HY 13103 HY 13104 HY 13104/1 HY 13104-V HY 13105 HY 13105/1 HY 13106 HY 13107 HY 13108 HY 13109 HY 13110 HY 13111 HY 13112


Empty the product in the fuel tank (30 – 60 liters of fuel).

Treatment should be done every 7000 kilometers or twice a year.
